MPE Statement of Qualifications
Mid Pacific Engineering (MPE) is a professional consulting firm dedicated to providing high quality services to private and public clients throughout Northern California. MPE’s staff consists of a team of professionals and technical specialists recognized for their expertise in the fields of Geotechnical Engineering, Earthwork Construction Testing, and Construction Materials Engineering and Testing, and Special Inspections.
Formed in 2009, the firm’s strength was founded on the extensive career experience of our six founding partners with all types of projects over the past 20+ years. Building from this foundation, we have added highly qualified engineering and technical staff, with some of the most experienced and well-respected staff in Northern California. We encourage you to review our resumes and experience.
Our philosophy in forming MPE has been to develop strong working relationships by providing high quality, personalized and timely services. It has been our experience that building a strong working relationship means being flexible and sensitive to client’s needs. MPE is focused on providing prompt, high quality services with personalized attention in a cost-effective manner.
MPE is accredited by AASHTO and participates in acceptance and approval programs: the Cement and Concrete Reference Laboratory (CCRL), California Division of State Architect (DSA) into the Laboratory Evaluation and Acceptance (LEA) program, Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD) Preapproved Laboratory (OPL), the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Independence Assurance program (IA) for testing and inspecting a wide range of materials. MPE participates in all required proficiency sample and reference sample programs (PSP and RSP) to ensure our results are in line with other accredited laboratories through out the country. Please contact our office for complete lists services accepted by each agency.
The engineers and managers at MPE are always available to you as a resource for discussing or providing input on any geotechnical, soils or construction related issues you may have on your projects.
We are very confident that MPE can be an effective and beneficial member of your team. From geotechnical engineering investigations to full scale earthwork and construction materials to miscellaneous materials testing and special inspection projects, MPE is prepared to provide you with the high quality of service you have come to expect.
Click here to download our Statement of Qualifications (PDF).
Geotechnical Engineering Services
Geotechnical Engineering incorporates the evaluation of earth materials and development of engineering parameters of soils for design of civil structures. Mid Pacific Engineering’s staff of Registered Civil and Geotechnical Engineers and Certified Engineering Geologists have completed a wide range of public and private projects, including residential subdivisions, mid- to high-rise buildings, retail and commercial centers, parks, schools and public infrastructure projects.
Earthwork Construction Testing Services
Geotechnical Engineering services continue into the construction phase as Earthwork Observation and Testing. Backed by our engineering staff, our technicians observe and test earthwork construction, document the contractor’s compliance with the project plans and specifications and provide constructive participation with the construction team to correct deficiencies.
Construction Materials Engineering and Testing Services & Special Inspections
Construction Materials Engineering and Testing services encompasses testing, inspection and evaluation of the major building materials including concrete, steel and wood. Again our purpose is to document the contractor’s compliance with the project plans and specifications, and facilitate the correction of non-compliant items.
Laboratory Testing Services
MPE is accredited by AASHTO and participates in acceptance and approval programs: the Cement and Concrete Reference Laboratory (CCRL), California Division of State Architect (DSA) into the Laboratory Evaluation and Acceptance (LEA) program, Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD) Preapproved Laboratory (OPL), the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Independence Assurance program (IA) for testing and inspecting a wide range of materials.
We perform a wide range of tests for soils, aggregates, asphalt, concrete, mortar, grout and masonry, including concrete shrinkage. We also perform trial mixes for concrete, soil- cement and controlled low strength materials.
Click here to read more specifics about our services.
Major Projects
Mid Pacific Engineering has taken the lead and served in supporting capacities on hundreds of geotechnical engineering projects in California and Nevada. Click here to read more about our reference projects, which range from state-of-the-art landfill structures to seismic updating of an historic landmark hotel. Learn more.