We are all the face of MPE.
We work to understand the problems our clients face and use a solutions-based approach to solve them.
We present a unified front. Our clients perceive us to be one team.
We support our profession and the community at large.
We follow through on our commitments.
One Team
Though we work in various groups, our first responsibility is to the success of MPE.
We share common values and common goals.
We honor the team’s existing goals while continually adapting our goals to changing conditions.
Once MPE makes a decision, we all stand behind it and support it.
We are accountable to one another for the quality and accuracy of the work we do.
We provide people opportunities and encourage them to grow both professionally and personally.
We are committed to helping one another achieve success.
We listen to and discuss ideas and proposals with the intent to understand, not to minimize or poke holes.
We show appreciation for each other, that we care for one another.
We enjoy our work and depend upon each other to do our jobs well.
We are honest and transparent with one another; we communicate both the good and bad news.
We respect one another; we use words that build up team members; we don’t say anything about a team member that we wouldn’t say to their face.
We inform each other right away when we learn something they should know — no surprises.
We maintain confidentiality; we focus on facts, not hearsay or gossip.
We assume positive intent by team members.